On Moral Medicine: Theological Perspectives in Medical Ethics, 3rd edition (2012)
In print for more than two decades, On Moral Medicine remains the definitive anthology for Christian theological reflection on medical ethics. This third edition, co-edited with Joseph Kotva, PhD, updates and expands the earlier award-winning volumes, providing classrooms and individuals alike with one of the finest available resources for ethics-engaged modern medicine.
“Since 1987 On Moral Medicine has been the indispensable anthology for anyone teaching or studying bioethics. This long-awaited third edition introduces us to new and urgent topics concerning social responsibility, embodiment, and vulnerability and engages human subjects not previously considered: children, people with mental illness, the aging and elderly, and people with disabilities. . . . In short, the editors offer us a surfeit of vital and relevant insights and a worthy companion for those facing the often-confounding contemporary agenda called medical ethics.”
—James F. Keenan, S. J., Boston College
“This will be the definitive teaching resource for Christian bioethics and related courses for the next decade. Lysaught and Kotva are two of the most pedagogically astute and pastorally aware scholars of their generation. They are as wise as they are smart. This volume is a gift to those of us who strive for clarity in a confounding field.”
—Amy Laura Hall, Duke Divinity School
“On Moral Medicine is quite simply the single most authoritative sourcebook on Christian medical ethics in the English language today. Not just recommended — indispensable!”
—David P. Gushee, Mercer University
“Freshly conceived and organized, with a mix of classic and recent contributions to the field, On Moral Medicine will remain an invaluable resource for those who teach and study the practice of medicine as a testament to our most fundamental commitments.”
—Sondra Wheeler, Wesley Theological Seminary
“This third edition includes more writings by women, persons of color and non-American contributors than prior editions, and places greater emphases on contemporary biblical theology, story or narrative ethics and what has come to be called “virtue ethics”…chapters. A quick review of the table of contents reveals a broad spectrum of viewpoints, key ground-breaking articles and contributions by the best and the brightest in the field of Christian ethics, particularly biomedical ethics.”
—Fr. Richard C. Sparks, CSP, Health Progress
“Each section of this anthology is composed of essays that have the patient—that is the person—as the most important consideration in the patient-physician dynamic in health care ethics….On Moral Medicine highlights the importance of relationships in health care decision making. Such a person-centered approach to medical morality demonstrates the importance of social responsibility and the dignity of the human person for all conversations in health care ethics.”
—Lindsey Esbensen, Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics
“Lysaught and Kotva introduce each chapter with incisive summaries. In fact, these introductions comprise a useful overview and are one of the strongest features of the book…On Moral Medicine offers many options for a multiplicity of dilemmas. It is up-to-date even for the twenty-first century. It is also thoroughly theological, especially for the Christian faith…The book is highly recommended for the continued development of bioethics and moral medicine.”
—Jack T. Hanford, Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies
“This is really a wonderful source book for all those who function in a Christian environment of health care and medicine. The contributors are sufficiently diverse and reflect different opinions inside Christianity concerning the ethics of health care.”
—Paul Schotsmans, BIJDRAGEN International Journal of Philosophy and Theology
“A concern of the editors of this edition has been to include contributions which are more sensitive to issues of gender, race, class and geography in Christian bio-medical ethical reflection than they judge has been the case up to the present, and this is a particular strength of the volume…. This is a superb volume, both as a basis for teaching and for study. The editors have been particularly concerned to stress the impact of social and economic factors, and many of the contributions are illuminating in the close attention they pay to gender bias…The third edition easily lives up to the reputation of On Moral Medicine as the classic work in the field.”
—David Leech, University of Cambridge, Theology