Among other projects, in 2024, Therese will be completing The Cascade Companion to Theological Bioethics (Cascade Press, 2024), a primer for those interested in what, exactly, a theological bioethics might be, introducing readers to the history of the field, key figures and debates, as well as tracing a vision for the future of the conversation.
In addition to meetings in Rome and Belgium, she travelled to Chaminade University in October 2024 to deliver the bi-annual Marianist Lecture and receive the Mackey Award for Catholic Thought.
She also continues to serve as Editor of the Journal of Moral Theology.
Recent and Forthcoming Articles
“Resocializing Catholic Healthcare Leadership: Lessons from Paul Farmer and Pope Francis,” Concilium, Special issue on “Health and Healing: Ethical, Theological, and Pastoral Perspectives,” edited by Susan Abraham, Stan Chu Ilo and Sharon A. Bong (July 2024). Also published in German, Italian, and Spanish.
“Etica Teologica della Vita and the Overcoming of Catholic Nominalism,” Bioethics (in press, 2024).
“The Power of Proximity: Toward an Ethic of Accompaniment in Surgery,” with Charles Nicholson, Monica Bodd, Ellery Sarosi, Martha Carlough, and Farr Curlin, Hastings Center Report 54, no. 2 (2024): 12-21, doi.org/10.1002/hast.1575.
“Jesus is My Coyote: Ramon Dagoberto Quiñones and the Sanctuary Movement,” in People of God Get Ready! Twelve Jesus-Haunted Misfits, Malcontents, and Dreamers for Troubled Times, ed. Peter Slade, Shea Tuttle, and Jaqueline Bussie (William B. Eerdmans Publishers, 2023), 259-282.
“Reclaiming the Catholic Moral and Intellectual Tradition from the Culture Wars,” keynote at the March 25, 2022 conference entitled “Pope Francis, Vatican II, and the Way Forward.” Or with footnotes.
“Looking Backward to Move Forward: Writing Your System’s Racial Autobiography,” with Sheri Bartlett Browne, Health Progress (Spring 2022): 43-50.
Building Caregiver Resiliency in Global Health: Embodying the Catholic Social Tradition in the Face of COVID-19,” Linacre Quarterly Linacre Quarterly 89, no. 2 (May 2022): 184-205, with Beth Reece, Marcia Grand Ortega, Ana Guizado, and Cecilia Bustamente-Pixa. This article provides an overview of Therese’s work with CMMB as the project lead and facilitator for their “Building Resiliency,” Initiative in Zambia, South Sudan, Haiti, Kenya, and Peru.
“Vicious Trauma: Race, Bodies, and the Confounding of Virtue Ethics,” Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 42, no. 1 (Fall 2022): 75-100, with Cory D. Mitchell.
“Whose Revolution? Which Future? The Legacy of Alasdair MacIntyre for a Radical Pedagogy in Virtue,” in Explorations: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities 14, no. 1 (2020): 97-125, with Daniel P. Rhodes.
“Sr. Mary Stella Simpson: A Midwife of Grace and the Transcendence of Accompaniment” in Can I Get a Witness? Thirteen Peacemakers, Community-Builders, and Agitators for Faith and Justice, edited by Charles Marsh, Daniel Rhodes, and Shea Tuttle, 295-324 (Wm B. Eerdmans Publishers, February 2019).
“Las Periferias y El Pan: Pope Francis, the Theology of the People, and the Conversion of Catholic Bioethics,“ Perspectivas Teológica 51, no. 3 (2019): 421-442.
Select Articles
“A Catholic Social Praxis for US Health Care: Revisioning Catholic Bioethics Via Catholic Social Doctrine,” with Michael McCarthy. Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 38, no. 2 (2018): 111–130.
“Geographies and Accompaniment: An Ecclesial Re-Ordering of the Art of Dying,” Studies in Christian Ethics 29, no. 3 (August 2016): 286–293, doi: 10.1177/0953946816642977.
“Roman Catholic Teaching on International Debt: Toward a New Methodology for Catholic Social Ethics and Moral Theology,” Journal of Moral Theology 4, no. 2 (June 2015): 1-17.
“Reverse Innovation from the Least of Our Neighbors: Community Health Workers and U.S. Health Care,” Health Progress 94, no. 1 (Jan/Feb 2013): 45-52.
“Moral Analysis of a Procedure at Phoenix Hospital,” Origins 40, no. 33 (January 27, 2011): 537-547.
“Practicing the Order of Widows: A New Call for an Old Vocation,” Christian Bioethics 11 (April 2005): 51-68.
“Love your Enemies: Toward a Christoform Bioethic,” Gathered for the Journey.
“Docile Bodies: Transnational Research Ethics as Biopolitics,” Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 34, 2009, pp. 384-408.
“Respect: Or, How Respect for Persons Became Respect for Autonomy.” Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 29, no. 6 (December 2004): 665-680.